
A Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions
An explanation of the principle systems of units, their history, standards, and conversion factors for changing from one to the other.
ERIC -- Educational Resources Information Center
National information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature.
NAA: Hotlinks to Newspapers Online
The Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Search on place and feature names worldwide. Results identify location contextually, ie what state or province a city is in, and by coordinates.
U.S. Community Colleges, by State
This page of UT Austin Web Central lists all regionally-accredited community colleges in the U.S. and provides links to those with a Web presence.
USGS Mapping Information
Find out where a city or other feature such as a mountain or lake is in the United States.
Web U.S. Universities, Alphabetic
This page of UT Austin Web Central contains an alphabetic list of regionally-accredited U.S. universities.